But, I do have a project to show you. It is a glass frame that I stamped with a bat-wing fairy and colored. I then used some cool looking eyeball cellophane to add the dark background to it. The glass is very reflective, so it made it hard to get good pictures. You can see the wall reflecting back, so just ignore it and hopefully you can get a feel for the project.

I'm not sure if I will add a picture to this or leave it as-is for a decoration. Either way I think it's way cool, especially in the dark because the eyeballs reflect back really well.
So, today is your last chance to comment for Blog Candy Points or to participate in any of the 31 Days challenges for extra points. Kelli and I will be drawing tomorrow!!
I'd like to wish all of you a very spooky and safe Halloween. I had such a blast with 31 Days, I am positive I will be doing it again next year!!! Thanks for all the wonderful comments and participation, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
Starting tomorrow I will be taking a little bit of a break on my blog. I will be posting randomly two to three times a week. Since the holidays are coming, I will be focusing alot on holiday projects for both the Smeared and Smudged blog and etsy store, so be sure to visit to take a gander!