Tuesday, November 2, 2010

31 Days of Halloween Winner!

Well, it took a while to go through my tally sheet of all of the comments and posts from 31 Days, but I have to tell you it was so awesome to see the final count! Did you know we had over 495 individual posts go up over the 31 days? Isn't that amazing?!? Way to go Wicked Bloggers! You all really rocked it!! And, with an average of 15 comments on each post, that comes to around 6900 comments!! Whew, I'm glad I pretty much kept track as we went along, or it would have taken me weeks to figure it all out! And now, without much more adeu, I'll get down to the winner of the grand prize!

We had 11 Wicked Bloggers who were able to pull through and post every day by the deadline. If you didn't make it, don't feel bad! It was tough this year and I didn't even get to finish, and I'm supposed to be one of the main hosts of the event! Congrats on trying and sharing your fabulous selves with us all month, and we hope you give it a shot again next year!

There were 14 people who completed the task of Horrifying Hopper; they hopped and commented on every blog every day! Some almost made it and missed only one or two days of posting, and we had many more who lurked and commented occasionally. You are ALL to be commended for putting in the effort and just enjoying this wild ride with us!!

I put all of these names in a list and drew a winner by random #. The winner of the grand prize is....
True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Max: 25
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

DONNA MUNDINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whooooo Hoooooooooo!!!! Congrats Donna!!!!

You've won the grand prize goodie package, so if you will email me with the shirt size that you want, I will get it sent out to you. Yay!!!! Thanks for playing along everyone!!!

If you would like to grab a survivor button to add to your blog, please feel free, and we hope to see you again next year for 31 Days of Halloween 2011! (Start planning now, muahahahahahahahaha!!!!)


  1. Congratulations Donna. I may be tempted to try next year (assuming my scanner/printer is behaving again)

    Awesome work everyone

  2. Congrats, Donna!!! I'm so happy for you! Thank you for always leaving such awesome comments. Everyone did so great with this hop!

  3. There are some awards for you on my blog if you want them! Sorry if you don't do these.

  4. congrats!!!! enjoy all the goodies!!!

  5. OMG!!! I can't believe it!!! Thank you so much Terra and all of the Wicked Bloggers. I hope to be one of you next year! I just screamed and my DH came running from the other room. LOL He thinks it's so cool because he gave me such a hassle about blog hopping every day. WooHoo! xxxxxxD
