Monday, August 10, 2015


Goodbye! This More Smeared Ink blog is retiring and moving to our new website. You can find us here:

We will be posting updates, projects, and hosting all of our future events on the new blog. 
See you there!

Winner Smudgefest Day 7

Well this is it folks, you made it through our week long Smudgefest challenge!!! Congrats to all of you who participated!!!! Even if you didn't make it all the way through the week, making just one project with only a day notice is a feat that deserves recognition! Thanks for showing us your wonderful art.

This was a great warm-up for our 31 Days of Halloween event, which happens every October. It's a month long challenge, so if you think you have what it takes check out all the info here and sign up to be a Wicked Blogger. It will be awesome! And we don't punish you too harshly for not completing, who knows, you may even like it ;)

Anyways, here is our final Smudgefest winner! Once again chosen by, the Day 7 winner is:

#2 Anne Squire

Congratulations Anne! Please email us at to claim your digi.

Thank you all once again for continuing to support us and our events. If you haven't yet seen it, please visit our updated Smeared Ink site where you will see our new blog, and will soon see our new shop!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Winner Smudgefest Day 6

It was so cool seeing the effects and textures that you all created with your stencils for Day 6, thank you again for sharing your wonderful art!

Once again, our winner was chosen by, and here is our Day 6 winner: 

#7 KIM
Congrats, Kim! 
Send us a quick email at and we'll send on over your digi!

Okay folks, this is your absolute last chance to get in on Smudgefest 2015! Only a few more hours in our Day 7 challenge, so get those entries in before midnight. Then visit us one last time tomorrow for the final winner announcement. Also, don't forget you can now sign up for 31 Days of Halloween, just follow the link for all the info!

Smudgefest 2015 Day 7

Oh my gosh, it's the FINAL CHALLENGE! Can you believe it? Congrats to those of you who have been here the whole week and for making it through all the challenges. Before we move on to today's challenge, we have something to let you know about. 

If you missed yesterday's winner post or haven't seen it already on the Smeared and Smudged Facebook group (or don't have a clue what it is), we have posted our information for 31 Days of Halloween 2015!

We are taking sign-ups for Wicked Bloggers and are hoping that this will be our biggest hop to date! It's a fun chance to immerse yourself in a month full of Halloween and Day of the Dead projects, with cool prizes to be had and awesome projects to be seen, so please check out the information HERE. If you're interested in participating as a Wicked Blogger, I suggest you sign up sooner rather than later and get a jump start on your projects. If you don't want to sign up, you can still hop along as a Horrifying Hopper or Sinister Lurker and win great prizes; that information is posted as well. We are also already taking sponsor sign ups, so if you know anyone who would be interested in having their site or company featured during the hop, you can contact us at

Okay, now on to Smudgefest

Ready to Play? Here is our Day 7 challenge! 

The Challenge: 


This one is a little different than anything we've done before. Your challenge is to take any Smeared Ink image and turn it into some sort of superhero on your project! We'll be nice and let you choose either super hero or super villain, but in your description or even on your project, you must tell us your super's name and super power. 

The Prize: 

"Tell Your Story" single digi image from Smeared Ink

Remember, be sure to link up by midnight tonight to qualify for the prize. Then check back tomorrow when we will be announcing our Day 7 prize winner . Have Fun and thanks for playing along with Smudgefest!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Smudgefest Winner Day 5 plus some NEWS!

Once again I have a winner to announce! Day 5 had some pretty excellent entries- it's amazing what all of you can do with some fiber and stamps. Thank you once again for taking the time to participate with our Smudgefest challenges, we really do hope you are enjoying it! 

 As always, our winners were chose by, and here is our Day 5 winner: 

#3 Ike
Congrats, Ike! 
Send us a quick email at and we'll send on over your digi!

Yay! Only two more chances to get in on the daily prizes and fun of Smudgefest, we hope you will join in either today or tomorrow! Good luck everyone!

On another note, we have some news to share with you. Tomorrow's final Smudgefest challenge and winner announcement will be the last entries that you will see on this blog. This is a little sad for me, but I am ecstatic to announce that our future blog posts will be located at! All Smeared Ink shop and blog goodness will be conveniently located in one place! As a matter of fact, if you didn't see our FB announcement yet, head on over to and check out our first couple of blog posts. We are starting 31 Days of Halloween 2015 sign ups now! You will also get a little bit more information about our shop, plus you'll see the new design. Hope you like it!

BTW, I will continue to share my own personal artwork through another blog that's in the makes. I feel it is time to move on from More Smeared Ink into something that encompasses more than stamping for my personal page. You'll see it linked for 31 Days, so please visit me there.

Have a great day everyone!

Smudgefest 2015 Day 6

Welcome to Day 6! So, how are you all feeling about the challenges? We're so happy to see that many of you have hung around for the whole week so far, way to go! We know it takes a lot of effort to even participate once, and we appreciate all of the sharing of inspiration from all of you.

Ready to Play? Here is our Day 6 challenge!

The Challenge:


This one should be interesting! Bust out those crafting stencils if you have them, create your own, or use an everyday object as a stencil on your project. We just love this ribcage one!

The Prize:
"Uni" single digi from Smeared Ink

Here's another outstanding image from our artist Alexandria Serrano. We hope it's worth playing for! Don't forget to link up by midnight.

Stencil Saturday- Add Your Entries Here

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Smudgefest Day 4 Winner

Woo hoo! You all have been showcasing some pretty amazing projects. Thanks for playing along and getting super creative with the daily themes! I am so glad we are using to choose our winners, as it would be near impossible for us to choose a fave!

Our WINNER for Day 4 was chosen by

And the winner of the awesome digi set is:

#2 Donna
Congrats, Donna!
Please email us at
to claim!

Thank you again to all of you for sharing your wonderful art with us, and we hope you will play in the next couple of challenges. Don't forget to keep your eyes on the collection time - it closes at MIDNIGHT!

Smudgefest 2015 Day 5

Woo Hoo!!!!! It's Friday, and not only is it the end of the work week (hopefully), it also brings us to the beginning of the end: Day 5. Three more Smudgefest Challenges folks. If you need a refresher on the rules, go back to the first Smudgefest post. Otherwise, let's move on to today's challenge.

Ready to Play? Here it is!

The Challenge:

Today your challenge is to incorporate some sort of fiber, string, thread, or yarn into your project. You can use a little or a lot, the choice is yours!

The Prize:

"Dandelion Fairies" single digi image from Smeared Ink 

This is one of our fave fairy duos ever from our artist Alexandria Serrano! Hope they are worth playing for. Can't wait to see your makes!

Fiber Friday- Add Your Entries Here

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Winner Smudgefest Day 3

Here is your winner's post for Day 3! Thanks so much for all of your entries. We had some super creative projects shared for Day 3 and they really showcased those wet mediums!

Our WINNER for Day 3 was chosen by

And the winner is

#10 Lyneen

Congrats, Lyneen!
Please email us at
to claim your digi!

We can't wait to see what you all are able to throw together for day 4... Don't forget to keep your eyes on the collection time - it closes at MIDNIGHT!

Smudgefest 2015 Day 4

It's Day 4! For all the details on the challenge and the rules, please visit the first post of the week. How are you all feeling today? Is the mojo flowing? We hope so! Today's project should be a fun one!

Ready to Play? Here's your challenge...

The Challenge:

Dig really deep today and bring out your inner thrasher! Create a stamped project that is thrashed, slashed, torn, grunged, or decayed.

The Prize:

"Dedicated To Art" digital stamp set from Smeared Ink

This is the first time we are offering this awesome set in digital form, and we hope you enjoy playing for it! Can't wait to see your Thrashed projects!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Winner Smudgefest Day 2

Amazing entries from everyone, thank you for participating and showing us your tape collections!  Without further ado, here is the winner for Day 2...

Our WINNER for Day 2 was chosen by

And the winner is

#3 PiHi

Congrats, PiHi!
Please email us at
to claim your digi stamp!

We look forward to seeing all of you participating again and can't wait to see what wetness you come up with for Day 3! Don't forget to keep your eyes on the collection time - it closes at MIDNIGHT!

Smudgefest 2015 Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of Smudgefest! For all the details on the challenge and the rules, please scroll down and visit the first post or click HERE. We are so excited to see all the incredibly amazing entries so far and we can't wait to see what you do next! Hang in there- today's post brings us almost half way through (it goes by quickly, doesn't it?) the seven days of challenges. 

Ready to Play? Here is our Day 3 challenge!

The Challenge:

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty! Derek Zoolander said it's challenge is to use some sort of wet medium in your project. So bust out the watercolors, paints, resins, nailpolish, or inks, and get messy!

The Prize:
"Samhain" single digi image from Smeared Ink

Here's another newbie for you. Once again you'll find it in our shop when we reopen, but for now the only way to get it is to enter. Worth playing for?

Good luck! Don't forget to link up by midnight tonight!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Winner Smudgefest Day 1

WOW! We had 10 outstanding entries on Day 1! Wonderful work everyone and we're so glad you all were able to play along. We LOVE seeing what you come up with and really hope you enjoy these challenges.

Our WINNER for Day 1 was chosen by

And the winner is
#6 KIM
Congrats, Kim!
Please email us at smearedinkstamps@gmail.comto claim your digi image!

We look forward to seeing all of you participating again and can't wait to see what you come up with for Day 2 (we've enjoyed what we've seen so far)! Don't forget to keep your eyes on the collection time - it closes at MIDNIGHT!

Smudgefest 2015 Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of Smudgefest! For all the details on the challenge and rules, please scroll down and visit the first post. We are stoked to move on to today's challenge and see what you can muster up, and hope you are as well. 

Ready to Play? Here is our Day 2 challenge!

The Challenge:

Whether it's washi, masking, duct, or scotch, we're challenging you to use some sort of tape in your project today! Don't limit yourself to the norm, find a creative use and WOW us!

The Prize:
"Annabel's Stone" single digi image from Smeared Ink

We loved with a love that was more than love...simply poetic, this beauty can be used with or without Annabel! Hope you're up for playing today, can't wait to see your makes!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Smudgefest 2015 Day 1

We at Smeared Ink are so excited to be hosting our fifth annual week-long challenge extravaganza called SmudgeFest! Each morning from now until Sunday we will post a different challenge theme. Participants will have until midnight to post their project for that day's challenge. The daily winner will be drawn by random number and announced the next morning, and a new challenge theme will be posted as well. Daily prizes will vary, and the only way to know what they are is to join us each day. Since we're currently working on reopening our shop, we won't be offering a grand prize this year, but we hope you'll enjoy the daily prizes and the challenges!

Here are the rules: 

*Each morning from August 3rd through 9th, a new challenge will be posted. It will contain that day's theme and prize information. 

*To participate, you must make a project that fits the theme and add it to that day's post using Inlinkz. The link to add your entry will be located at the bottom of each post. Your project must be linked by midnight of the same day. Your link must go straight to the post on your blog containing your project, not your blog home page.

*Your project can be anything (card, scrapbook page, altered or 3-d item, etc) as long as it is handmade and stamped somewhere with either a rubber or digital stamp. All digital projects are allowed if it fits the theme. Feel free to think outside the box and have fun with your project! We are all about looking at things differently and look forward to the variety of projects we are sure to see.

*You must use AT LEAST 1 Smeared Ink image on your project to qualify for the daily prize drawing. You are allowed to use anything else that you like. If you just want to play along and aren't worried about qualifying for the prize, you do not have to include a Smeared Ink image.

*The daily winner will be chosen by random number and revealed later the next day in a separate post (not the daily theme post).

So, are you ready to play? Welcome to Day 1 of SmudgeFest!! 

The Challenge: 

Create a project that showcases a piece of metal! It can range from metal scrapbook embellishments, to paper clips, to items you would find at a hardware store. Decorate a metal object, or cut up a soda can. Use your imagination!

The Prize:
"Annabel Lee" single digi stamp from Smeared Ink

 Isn't she beautiful? You'll find her in our shop when we reopen but for now she's only available as a prize for this challenge, so if you want her get into gear and make a project!

Good luck!