Friday, August 21, 2009

Zombie Killa- Gutter Girlz (Prompt #28)

I am not a scrapbooker.(The first step toward recovery is admitting you have a problem) But, I joined a really cool scrapbooking group called Gutter Girlz and they put out a challenge that I loved. Part 1- use the words "Eat Me", part 2- use the chosen song prompt as inspiration, and part 3- use food labels. My sister's birthday just passed (on the 18th, happy b-day Tori!) so I decided to make her a present.

A little background about my sister: she is deathly afraid of zombies. I mean, irrationally afraid, she thinks about them all the time. And not just afraid of watching zombie movies, she is actually afraid that zombies will eventually kill everyone on earth and it's only a matter of time before it happens. She knows how silly it is, but still has this fear that she cannot help. During her recent pregnancy her hormones were way out of whack and she confessed to me that sometimes she was afraid to go or look outside of her house at night for fear that zombies would eat her. Those preggo hormones can really play some tricks on you!

Although I know some of you are laughing right now, as me and my other siblings and sometimes my sister do, it is in fact a very real thing for her and I wanted to empower her by giving her a little scrapbook page that she can either put in a book or frame, whatever. SO, Happy Birthday Tori!!! I hope you like it.


  1. A great b-day present! Thank you!

  2. I LOVE IT!! Don't forget! The GG prompts are for ANY medium!! Your take on our challenge made my day!! Thanks so much for playing!!

  3. so cool! I love the way you used the prompt! Fantastic page! Thanks for playing along with us!

  4. Love your take on the challenge. That is what rocks about the guttergirlz there are no rules you do what you want! This is great! I see your sister likes it too! Thanks or playing in the gutter with us!!

  5. I loovveeed your take on the challenge, this gave me a giggle!! Thanks for rolling in the gutter with us!!

  6. Too cool! What a fun had fun doin' it .

    Mary ann k.

  7. This is sooo fun!

  8. so fun! but love the texture the most!
