
Friday, July 15, 2011

Halloween Release Hop from Smeared Ink

Thanks for joining me today; I'm super excited to be announcing the first of two Halloween releases from Smeared Ink! We have so many great designs for you this year that we just can't get them all out at the same time, so we're starting early. We have 11 fabulously fiendish digi sets for you to oogle today, and each member of our Design Team had created a special something to celebrate!

Not only will we be presenting projects for your enjoyment and inspiration today on our hop, but the Design Team had the option to work with several images if they wanted to and those that took extras will be posting projects daily for the next couple of days. So be sure to check back on the hop list each day over the next week, as some will be showcasing even more projects for you to enjoy!

Did I mention that we have ELEVEN sets this time around?!?!! You're sure to find something to get those creepy juices flowing, and we really hope they get you in the mood for the best holiday of the year (Halloween, of course!) and for our 31 Days of Halloween stamping event coming in October. Plus we have an exclusive sneak peek single from one of the sets we will be releasing in our second Halloween Release in September!

Here are the pics of all of the new release sets that you can find in our SHOP today. Don't forget you can click any of the pics in this post to see them larger.

A Little Bit Batty



Flower King

Heebie Jeebie

Mistresses of The Dark


Sea Skeletons

Zombie Classics

Zombie Pinups

Gross Anatomy

and our preview...
Blessed Be single

So, what do you think? I know I LOVE them all and can't wait to play with each and every image! But for now, I played with an image from the Sea Skeletons set. I made a scrapbook page using the June kit from Scraps of Darkness and also following their June sketch. It is very monochromatic except for the little pop of color on the photo, which match the colors of the actual artwork.

All of the embellishments and papers that you see on the page came from the kit except for the twigs, which I painted black and made into a frame to follow the sketch. Of course I had to add my own textures, so I painted on parts of the papers and roughed them up a bit. The corner images and the one in the middle are from the Sea Skeletons stamp set and  I think they just added alot of fun to the layout. I personally thing those images are gorgeous just printed out, so I just colored them a light beige to match.

Here you can see a side view of the gorgeous embellies, including my twigs.

Hope you've enjoyed looking at my page and that it's given you some inspiration. I am still a beginner with the scrapbooking, so please be gentle with your comments ;)
I will be posting my next release project on Saturday evening, so be sure to swing back by here to check it out! Also, as I mentioned before please feel free to visit here each day to go down the hop list and check out what everyone has to offer. Here are the participants! Enjoy!

Terra ---->(me)


  1. Awesome NEW IMAGES! I love them all! LOL! You scrap page is cool! I love the painted twigs that you added! That is so thinking outside the box! The sea skeletons work so well on this page! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful Terra! Those are scrapbook kits I really think I could wrap my head around, if I didn't already have so much paper! :)
    The new releases are wonderful!

  3. A great scrapbook page love the new images
    Luv Jane xxx

  4. Such a cool and unique page! Awesome stamps for the release, too!

  5. Oh my word, I LOVE the new releases! Now comes the hard bit of deciding what I can afford right away and what I can (maybe) wait until next payday to order :P Fab page LO, and your twigs are wonderful :D

  6. beginner sminner, this layout is awesome! I'm lovin all the new digi sets too, can't wait to see your next project :)

  7. The new images are FAB!!! I want them ALL!, Your scrapbook page is great, I love the twiggs :)

    Fiona. x

  8. there are a couple of sets I'd like. :)
    I love your page!!

    question: Blessed be is a witch thing, Witch's aren't gory or gross or anything like that, so why the kind of creepy gory look to the blessed be?

  9. You dont appear to be a beginner.... this is wonderful.
    I adore these kits... wish i was stateside... our customs scare me to death!
    The new images are as great as i expected.
    Keep safe Terra love lynx

  10. omg those are all so fantastic!!!

  11. Very cool layout. I really like all of the dimension! The twigs are really cool!

  12. wow, wonderful new releases! I love the sea skeletons and bats, the calaveras are great also!

  13. Fabulous layout! Gorgeous colors and wonderful texture. You rocked it!

  14. this is so great! I love the colors and the twigs and especially the new image! you totally rock!!

  15. OMG, Terra! these are TO DIE FOR! Fabulous release and I love your project! xxD

  16. This is just AWESOME and I love the new images - the bats are my favourite.
    Ike xx

  17. awesome releases! some looks like little monsters i played with when I was little no kidding. hot pink had just come out with lime green and i was the proud owner of them. they were first released in Houston tx and I was there to get them. I shared my barbies but not my monsters!

    susan s.
